News archive - RAMIRI Realises and Manages International Research Infrastructures
A new EC-funded project on Realising and Managing International Research Infrastructures has recently taken up its work: RAMIRI.
One of the project's main tasks is the organisation of three symposiums on research infrastructures in London, Grenoble and Hamburg, including visits of research infrastructures in each host city.
Participants from the Western Balkan Countries are very welcome to apply for participation...
The first of these conferences will be held at Imperial College London on July 15-17, 2009 and will be attended by all delegates on the 2009 RAMIRI Programme. Delegates can then choose to attend a second conference in either Grenoble (9-11 September 2009 - places exhausted) or Hamburg (14-16 September - places still available). To register, please go to:
The project website ( also contains news and views from the world of research infrastructures; it is also ready for uploading videos, papers and images from the conferences and expected to foster a network of people engaged in research infrastructures.
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on May 29, 2009
Modified on May 29, 2009