News archive - Call for Proposals 2008: Transnational territorial cooperation Programme MED

This first call for proposal is opened to all priority axes of the MED Programme 2007-2013. The programme MED promotes transnational partnerships on the Northern part of the Mediterranean by financing projects working on fields pointed as priorities for the area. Pre-proposals must be submitted before May 2, 2008. The budget for the programme is 256 617 688 euro, co-financed by the ERDF.

The programme MED is a transnational programme of European territorial cooperation. It is financed by the European Union as an instrument of its regional policy and of its new programming period.

The four Priority Axes of the programme are:

  1. Strengthening innovation capacities
  2. Environmental protection and promotion of a sustainable territorial development
  3. Improvement of mobility and of territorial accessibility
  4. Promotion of a polycentric and integrated development of the Med space

The Med programme covers the following areas:
The Mediterranean and coastal regions of nine EU Member States (Cyprus, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, UK, Slovenia) and two Mediterranean countries that are candidates or potential candidates to the EU: Croatia and Montenegro (based on contributions from IPA). Other countries from the Western Balkans have the possibility to join the programme later.

Involvement of other WBC:
According to regulations of ERDF, in the context of transnational cooperation and in duly justified cases, the ERDF may finance expenditure incurred by partners located outside the area participating in operations up to a limit of 20 % of the amount of its contribution to the operational programme concerned. This expenditure must be targeted and must be for the benefit of the regions of the Med area.

Steps of Procedure:
The MED Programme call for proposal is a two-step procedure: the first is pre-application, open to all typologies of beneficiaries described in the implementation guide; and the full proposal which is reserved for selected pre-candidates. Selected pre-candidates will then have three months to submit a full application form. These forms will be then assessed to select the projects which will be financed by the MED Programme.

The list of the documents to be used and to be taken into account for presenting a pre-proposal is available on the MED Programme web site:

The pre-proposals must be sent to the Joint Technical Secretariat from March 3 until May 2, 2008.
The interested partnerships have to fill in and to submit the pre-proposal online in the monitoring system of the MED Program:

for further information:

The document with details on the call of proposals is given in our document repository:

The document with details on the Prgramme can also be accessed our document repository:

Managing Authority MED
Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

Joint Technical Secretariat MED
Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

Contact point in Croatia
Darko Stilinović
Department for cross border, interregional and transnational cooperation
Directorate for integrated regional development
Ministry of regional development, forestry and water management

Contact point for Montenegro
Darko Kasalica
Secretariat for European Integration

Source: Leonardo Piccinetti, MED websites

Entry created by Martina Lindorfer on March 18, 2008
Modified on March 18, 2008