News archive - Event Announcement: Final program of the open public day event in Bled/Slovenia, March 31, 2008

From March 31 to April 2, 2008 the Final program of the open public day event »Perspectives emerging from R&D in Europe« will take place in Bled/Slovenia.

On March 31 the Conference will be opened by the Slovenian Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology and the Minister of Growth and will be followed by a key note speech of Prof. Dr. William H. Dutton from the Oxford Internet Instititute.

The programmes continues with a session on "Policy, Usage, Content and Services" which aims at outlining the socio economic drivers of the on line economy and usages. It is intended to identify how the medium to long term evolution of the networked economy and society will influence technological, regulatory or policy requirements.

In the afternoon sessions on "Towards a Future Internet, Global Initiatives", "Technological developments, barriers, challenges" and "Towards a European Future Internet Assembly" follow.

The Conference is organized under the Slovenian Presidency with the support of the European Commission DG Information Society and Media.

for details on the programme please access:

Entry created by Martina Lindorfer on March 13, 2008
Modified on March 13, 2008