News archive - CEI Supports Scientists On Their Way From "From Research to Enterprise"

The programme "From Research to Enterprise" aims at stimulating the spirit of entrepreneurship among scientists and researchers in the Member States of the Central European Initiative (CEI). Its main objective is to facilitate the establishment of new enterprises through practical adaptation of knowledge from public research to innovation projects (spin-off from research).

The first edition was implemented in June 2004. Six proposals were selected by the Evaluation Committee and awarded with some seed money that allowed winners to finance a feasibility study of their business ideas. Further to this successful experience, a new Call for Proposals was launched in 2006.

In its Plan of Action for the Year 2010 to 2012, the CEI committs itsself to the development of an enterprise character of science and research. In the rep. period, advice and financial support will be offered in the framework of specific initiatives and activities, with the aim to encourage innovative entrepreneurship and facilitate the establishment of new enterprises

Please note that there is no open call at the moment, but we will keep our readers updated with information on possible future calls and mind the information on other support mechanisms of the CE (see the related resources below).

For related queries, please contact Mr. Alessandro Lombardo (Tel. +39 040 77 86 744).

Geographical focus
  • International; Other
Related organisations

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on December 16, 2009
Modified on December 16, 2009