News archive - [Event Announcement] The Western Balkans: Lessons from the Past and Future Prospects
The 7th DRC Summer School on Regional Cooperation, to take place in Pécs, Hungary, will deal with "The Western Balkans: Lessons from the Past and Future Prospects". Its aim is the establishment of a network of young scientists who deal with the issue of regional co-operation as Central European perspective...
Deadline: June 7, 2010.
Venue: Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs; Hungary
Target Group:
Young Scientists from the Danube Region and Central Europe who have records in political sciences or any other social sciences; Graduates who would like to present their research projects; Interested individuals from regional institutions, public administration and scientific organisations
- Transforming the Western Balkans: A Specific European Journey since 1990 and Future Perspectives
- Economic and social conditions and perspectives in the Western Balkans
- Dimensions of Civil Society in the Western Balkan Region
- Geopolitics and the Issue of Stability in the Western Balkans
Click here to see the agenda.
Registration fee: € 200,-; Contribution to the expenses: € 230,-
(scholarships can be applied for, see application form for details)
Please submit your application to
Mr. Zoltán Vörös
IDResearch Ltd.
Tel.: +36-30-867-1955
Fax: +36-72-522-624
For further information please visit the Website of the DRC Summer School on Regional Co-operation
From: 25 July 2010
To: 1 August 2010
- Albania
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Croatia
- International; Other
- Kosovo*
- Montenegro
- Republic of North Macedonia
- Serbia
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on April 27, 2010
Modified on April 27, 2010