News archive - The Life Long Learning Programme: an Option for the WBC?

Also for the Life Long Learning Programme of the EU association proceedures are necessary, the following article informs about the state of play.

For 2007, the LifeLong Learning Programmes (Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig) are open to the EU Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Turkey.
In principle, Art. 7.1 of the Decision on Lifelong Learning programme (Participation of third countries) establishes that “The Lifelong Learning
Programme shall be open to the participation of: (....)
(c) the countries of the Western Balkans, in accordance with the provisions to be determined with these countries following the establishment
of framework agreements providing for their participation in Community programmes”.
The article says, these countries are eligible, but the provisions for their participation should be defined by a specific agreement to be signed with the EU. This implies that a negotiation process should be opened between the European Union and the governments of these countries in order to sign an agreement. A framework agreement was signed on June 2, 2005, respectively with Serbia and Montenegro. The agreement entered into force on July 27, 2005. Since then, for a concrete participation to the new programme, specific preconditions have needed to be fulfilled (e.g. the establishment of a national agency for the implementation of the programme, administrative and financial preparation). Such conditions could not be met in a very short term.
The Jean Monnet Action (key activity 1 of the Jean Monnet Programme)
is open to higher education institutions and associations of all countries participating in the LLP, as well as to any other third country.

Article published in eJournal summer 2007.

Entry created by Elke Dall on September 4, 2007
Modified on September 4, 2007