News archive - ICT for Transport

The unit 'ICT for Transport' at the DG for Information Society and Media of the European Commission published news on the topic including some results of the recently closed ICT Call 4 in this area.

* FP7 ICT Call 4: In the domain 'ICT for Transport', Objective 6.1 'ICT for Safety and Energy Efficiency in Mobility', the EC received 80 proposals. Therefore, there will be strong competition for the 53 M€ of funding available. The complete evaluation process will be finished by the end of June, and proposal consortia will be informed then about the outcome of the evaluation.


* Directorate-General Transport and Energy (DG TREN) opened a public consultation on the 'Future of Transport'. Its input will contribute to the update of the 2001 Transport White Paper, which set out the common transport policy until 2010. Please send your comments and suggestions to . There is no closing date to this consultation.


* eSafety's Yearly Printed Newsletter 2008 can be downloaded from the 'Newsletters' section at: .


* The interactive 'Intelligent Car Quiz', informing players about modern, ICT-based safety and green vehicle technologies, can still be enjoyed in six language versions at . Please use the 'send to a friend button' and inform others about the quiz.

Further information:

Geographical focus
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Elke Dall on April 1, 2009
Modified on September 5, 2013