News archive - [Event Announcement] Regional Workshop for Senior Officials and Experts on Cooperation around Clusters of Knowledge
The aim of the Regional Workshop for Senior Officials and Experts on Cooperation around Clusters of Knowledge, hosted by the RCC Secretariat, is to discuss current cluster proposals and funding possibilities for potential emerging regional projects.
In view of establishing first cluster consortia, concrete thematic cluster subtopics, activities and funding options should be jointly identified and elaborated. Contributions on the EU 2020 Strategy and a focus on innovation shall furthermore facilitate a discussion on potential further thematic areas of common interest.
This workshop will bring together representatives of Ministries for Education, Science and Research from the South East European Co-operation Process (SEECP) region, as well as representatives of the RCC Secretariat and of European Institutions.
For further information, including a draft programme and registration link, please click here.
Source: RCC
From: 14 December 2010
To: 15 December 2010
- Albania
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Croatia
- European Union (EU 27)
- Kosovo*
- Montenegro
- Republic of North Macedonia
- Serbia
- Western Balkans
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on November 17, 2010
Modified on November 17, 2010