News archive - [Event Announcement] 'Green engineering camp', Plitvice, Croatia

Green engineering is a field which includes the design, commercialisation, and use of processes and products, which minimise pollution and risks to human health and the environment. The field is founded on the concept that decisions to protect human health and the environment can have the greatest impact and cost effectiveness when applied early to the design and development phase of a process or product.

An event entitled 'Green engineering camp' will take place from 2 to 6 July 2012 in Plitvice, Croatia.

The Green Engineering Camp (GEC) is a pilot COST Interdisciplinary Science Initiative aimed at engaging specifically early stage researchers and investigators in real-life applications and intelligent and innovative uses of green ICT in order to boost knowledge transfer efficiently and to initiate new ideas and solutions to current and future challenges. Currently, a call for ideas is ongoing to select the most innovative ideas to present!

Green engineering is the core of this COST Interdisciplinary Science Initiative. It is planned to apply green engineering to the forest sector because this sector offers a broad case that may also include most areas covered by the COST Domain structure such as transport, economics, chemistry, etc. The full name description is Intelligent Use and Development of ICT to Increase Environmental Efficiency: the Case of Production and Logistics in the Forest Sector.
The aim of the camp is to come up with intelligent and innovative ways to make a wide range of forest-related activities more environmentally friendly by the use of ICT, and we will do so by promoting early stage researchers, female participation and transdisciplinarity.

To achieve this, a Call for Ideas: Greening the Forest Sector Engineering was launched. The entire Call process is described in the attached document.

Update: by the deadline of 2 February 2012, 63 proposals were received. 60 proposals originated in COST countries, the three remaining ones came from Brazil, Iran and the US. 22 % were initiated by women - a remarkable achievement in the forestry sector - and the average age of the proposers is 37. The youngest proposer is 23 and the oldest 65.

CORDIS, Record control number:34284

Geographical focus
  • Croatia
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • Natural Sciences
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Elke Dall on February 11, 2012
Modified on April 11, 2012