News archive - [Partner Search] FP7 Environment - Ideas and Partners

A Brokerage Event took place in June 2011 on FP7 Environment in Brussels. It involved the presentation of a number of Proposal Ideas by Coordinators and other Profiles of partners which you may find at the website in order to get in touch with the presenters.

The following is the link to the presentations delivered by Coordinators and Partners alike for your information:

Brokerage Session Climate Change (6.1)

Brokerage Session Environmental Hazards (6.4)

Brokerage Session Mobilising Environmental Knowledge (6.5)

Brokerage Session Resource Efficiency (6.3)

You may wish to contact the presenters to offer your expertise.

From the same source, you can also access some general presentations from the event about the 2012 work programme in the field of environment.

Source: NCP Malta, CIRCA

Geographical focus
  • International; Other

Entry created by Elke Dall on July 19, 2011
Modified on July 19, 2011