News archive - WBC-INCO.NET questionnaire to evaluate National Contact Point systems of the WBC still open
WBC-INCO.NET is collecting answers to an extensive questionnaire on the work of the National Contact Point (NCP) systems in the Western Balkan countries. It is very important to have a large quantitative basis for the evaluation and benchmarking of the NCPs:
All our readers from the Western Balkan countries are invited and encouraged to fill the questionnaire!
WBC-INCO.NET project puts emphasis on the building of capacities and the facilitation of networking opportunities for researchers in order to improve absorption quantities and qualities and to enhance a better international recognition of existing WBC potentials. In the framework of the WBC-INCO.NET project and its workpackage 4 one of the tasks planned to be implemented is addressed to the services of the NCP System: a comparative benchmarking exercise will be based on a web-based questionnaire, addressed to the clients of each NCP-system in order to collect feedback on the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the services provided by the respective WBC-NCPs.
The whole procedure will aim at the assessment and further development of the capacities of the National Contact Point System in the WBCs, along European standards.
There are 45 questions in this survey. It is anonymous.
Questions about the task shall be directed directly to the task leader: General Secretariate for Research and Technology from Greece, Ms. Paraskevi Afentaki and Mr. Nikos Sidiropoulos.
Entry created by Elke Dall on June 9, 2009
Modified on March 11, 2009