News archive - Event Announcement: The Kosovo Business and Investment Summit: Invest in Kosovo 2008

The Business and Investment Summit in Kosovo/UNMIK will take place on June 25-26, 2008 in Prishtina.

150 business decision makers from 20 countries attended the 2007 Summit. Most of these attendees indicated that they planned to invest and do business with Kosovo once it became independent, and that they would certainly look to exploit opportunities then.

This conference will now bring together leading voices of foreign and local investors, key Members of the Government and donor communities, and representatives of companies interested in exploring business opportunities in Kosovo.

The Summit will cover a wide range of important topics such as finance, infrastructure, privatization, the business environment, and available business and investment opportunities.

Provisional programme and registration information:

Entry created by Martina Lindorfer on April 16, 2008
Modified on April 16, 2008