News archive - [Event Announcement] Conference: 'Business and Sustainable Development', Sarajevo

The Conference 'Business and Sustainable Development': Partnership for sustainable development - Challenges, opportunities and best practices, organized by the Center for Sustainable Development, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, will take place in Sarajevo, November 16-17, 2011.

The Conference aims at encouraging business leaders and partners in government and civil society to work together in improving economy and social well-being in Bosnia and Herzegovina, while preserving the environment and offers a unique combination of events on sustainable use of natural resources, sustainable development of cities and towns and the corporate social responsibility models. The' conference also offers ideal opportunities for the representatives of business, government and civil society, to establish valuable new partnerships and initiate new projects. It is the biggest annual conference of this kind in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and one of the biggest in the entire Southeast Europe.

Preliminary Programme

The Conference will explore different elements contributing to economic growth, environmental protection and social well-being. The Conference will consider best international practice; take stock of actions undertaken by different companies, organisations, cities and towns and focus in on critical issues through a number of plenary and thematic sessions. These include: Sustainable use of natural resources, Sustainable development of towns and cities, and Corporate social responsibility. 


    Sustainable use of natural resources

Resources are the backbone of every economy. In using resources and transforming them, capital stocks are built up, which add to the wealth of present and future generations. However, the dimensions of our current resource use are such that the chances of future generations to have access to their fair share of scarce resources are endangered. Moreover, the consequences of our resource use in terms of impacts on the environment may induce serious damages that go beyond the carrying capacity of the environment. It is critical that Bosnia and Herzegovina finds the right balance between creating employment in labour and energy intensive industries, while at the same time adopting a more sustainable use of natural resources, which will ensure and secure long term growth.

    Sustainable development of towns and cities

This Session provides an opportunity for companies, public authorities, and other interests to discuss collaboration, with respect to making cities and towns more sustainable in economic, environmental, and social terms. Cities and towns play an important role in the transition toward a sustainable society, and municipal governments should be at the forefront of action in this area. There is a variety of approaches to implementing sustainability at the local level. Best practices provide inspiration on what is possible when municipal governments and business partners take meaningful steps to ensure the long-term livability and resiliency of the community.

    Corporate social responsibility

Partnerships are emerging in the context of changing relations in (inter)national stakeholder environments; between governments, businesses and civil society. Dynamics in this ‘triangle’ of relationships is currently subject to tremendous change. So far, experience has been gained on the interface between government and civil society, and in cooperation between business and government. Now, partnerships are receiving new attention on the interface of business and civil society. Strategic stakeholder dialogue between companies and NGOs means a shift from antagonistic relations (confrontation) to a more constructive approach involving, for example, structural commitment in the form of partnerships.

The Conference will also have a best practice exhibition aimed at showcasing best practices and encouraging partnerships between different organisations, governments and businesses, both local and international.

Further information and registration: at the conference website:


Source: Email by Nejra Kadric, Center for Sustainable Development.

From: 16 November 2011
To: 17 November 2011

Geographical focus
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on November 3, 2011
Modified on September 30, 2011