News archive - [Event Announcement] 37th EIBA Conference: Call for papers

The 37th EIBA conference will take place in Bucharest, December 8-10 2011, and has a focus on European aspects of international business, such as the impact of the European response to crisis, the euro up and downs, how is the internationalization of European firms affected, or the implications of the debt crisis in an increasing number of European countries. Deadline for paper submissions: July 15, 2011.

The 37th EIBA conference is hosted by the Faculty of International Business, Academy of Economic Studies from Bucharest, Romania. Romania is a new EU member state, an emerging economy which is representative for the shifting West-East paradigm. Is Eastern Europe going to remain specialized in low cost products and cheap labor, or are there different patterns of specialization emerging? The conference will have one track on emerging markets in general and another track on specialization issues in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe.

Papers can be submitted as competitive, workshop or posters. Doctoral students will have 3 tutorials. Panels can be submitted on relevant topics for the conference.

A number of papers will be published in a book “MNE Management in a Post-Crisis Environment” (in the EIBA annual book series), edited by Alain Verbeke, Rob Van Tulder and Liviu Voinea.

Three best papers fitting the aims, scope and submission requirements of the Journal of East West Business will be selected for publication.

For detailed information on the Call for Papers please follow the EIBA link.

Source: Email from Mario Holzer, wiiw Balkan Observatory

From: 8 December 2011
To: 10 December 2011

Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on July 1, 2011
Modified on June 21, 2011