News archive - [Event Announcement] Event on Youth and Entrepreneurship - Drivers of Innovation
An event on „Youth and Entrepreneurship – Drivers of Innovation‟ will take place from 19-21 October 2011 in Krakow, Poland.
The event will showcase the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and its „Knowledge and Innovation Centres‟ (KICs). The event will highlight the EIT and KIC‟s entrepreneurship and education activities and will allow people to learn from inspiring role models. The event has two aims: firstly to encourage an entrepreneurial mindset and culture in Europe and secondly to receive input into the future development of the EIT‟s entrepreneurship and education agenda.
Further Information Registration will open soon, and the Agenda will also be available soon. Details are available at:
Source: UKRO - European RTD Insight (August 2011)
- Europe
Entry created by Gorazd Weiss on September 1, 2011
Modified on August 3, 2011