News archive - STM Sectoral Workshop on Innovation in Prishtina

A sectoral workshop on innovation will be held in Prishtina, Kosovo/UNMIK, April 24-25, 2008.
The workshop will take place at the Ministry of Public Services in Prishtina. After discussing issues of social services and labour (including employment policy, social dialogue, labour laws, equality, institutional care, health and safety at work, etc.), research will be covered in the afternoon.
"The Existing Policies and Legislation in the Sector of Scientific Research and Their Impact in Creating an Active and Competitive Labour Market" (covering legislative infrastructure , policy achievements, challenges and needs for the forthcoming period) will be presented by Murteza Osdautaj, Director of the Department of Science and Technology, MEST.
The second day of the workshop will start with discussions on issues of education and science.
Enver Hoxhaj, Minister of Education, Science and Technology with give a presentation of its education system and main policy developments and challenges in the field of education.
Abdurrahman Simnica, Officer of Branches of Graphics and Culture in the Division of Professional Education, MEST, will discuss the development of the National Framework on Qualifications and its impact in increasing youth employment.
Radica Berishaj, Officer for Long-life learning in the Unit for Long-life Education, MEST, presents the development and implementation of a Strategy on Long-life Learning and its impact in creating an active and competitive labour market.
Contribution of the Tempus Programme to Higher Education Reforms will be on the agenda (presented by Avdullah Alija, Director of Higher Education, MEST) as well as mobility opportunities and scholarships for students of the Western Balkans under the Erasmus Mundus Western Balkan Window and Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window presented by Catherine Henriot, DG Education & Culture, European Commission.
The day will continue with presentations on youth and innovation, youth exchanges and the Youth in Action Programme, and presentations covering field of culture.
Source: SECRETARIAT DGE6 Balkans; MD 071/08 COWEB

Entry created by Elke Dall on April 20, 2008
Modified on April 20, 2008