News archive - Training Seminar: "Foresight and Research Priorities Setting in South Eastern Europe with Special Consideration of Climate Change"

A call for applications for the participation in the training seminar
"Foresight and Research Priorities Setting in South Eastern Europe with Special Consideration of Climate Change" taking place in Bled, Slovenia March 6-7, 2008 is currently open. Deadline for applications is January 31, 2008.

The organisers of the “IX. Bled Forum on Europe” International Conference on “Foresight and Knowledge based Governance Responses to Climate Change“ (March 7-8, 2008; are launching a Call for applications for a Training seminar on "Foresight and Research Priorities Setting in South Eastern Europe with Special Consideration of Climate Change".

The target group for the training seminar & conference participation grants are people interested in launching, carrying out or using Foresight activities in SEE countries (Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia (including Kosovo), FYR of Macedonia).

The seminar/workshop will last from Thursday March 6 9.00 AM till Friday, March 7, 12 AM. Depending on interest, the session on day 2 (i.e. the morning of Friday 7th of March) will be devoted to brainstorming on possibilities for joint SEE regional activities in the field of Foresight and Research Priorities Setting in South Eastern Europe with Special Consideration of Climate Change and for formation/conceptualisition/preparation of new RTDI projects (in a synergetic and complementary way linked with the work of Western Balkans INCOnet project, Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, IPTS, COST and other key stakeholders) in this field.

Participants of the training seminar will also have the opportunity to participate in the IX. Bled Forum on Europe conference on “Foresight and knowledge based governance responses to Climate Change“. The conference ( will take place on March 7 (beginning at 14:00) and Saturday March 8, 2008 (till 14:00).

The participants in the Seminar will receive basic and practical knowledge on:

  • What is Foresight?
  • How can foresight results be taken up by STI policy makers and practitioners especially with regard to research priorities setting?
  • How can Climate Change issues be addressed in foresight exercises and respective research priorities setting activities?

The organisers intend to cover – with financial support of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research – the costs for registration, travel (public transport) up to 400 Euros per person and for accommodation (half board for the days of the training seminar and the conference) for about 20 - 25 participants from SEE countries (eligible countries see above) for the participation at the foresight conference and at the training seminar.

If you would like to participate BF 2008 SEE Foresight training seminar you are kindly requested to fill in the Registration/Grant Application Form (available on internet: and/or and send it to till January 31, 2008, 12.00 CET.

A limited number of applications for participation of candidates from non-SEE countries (especially applications from Austria and ASO countries Slovenia and Bulgaria are encouraged) will be considered, too but with limited support to travel and accommodation costs.

Selection of participants and notification is planned to take place by February 7, 2007.

Organisers of the IX. Bled Forum:
- Bled Forum on Europe Research Association (
- Slovenian Research Agency (
- Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office (ASO) Ljubljana and Sofia (
- UN Global Compact Slovenia

Contact for Logistical Information on the BF 2008 SEE Foresight Training Seminar:
Mr. Gorazd Weiss (; tel (office): 00 386 (0) 1 5684 168
Contact for information on the Conference programme:
Mr. Blaž Golob (
Mr. Miroslav Polzer (

Source: E-mail from the organisers

Entry created by Elke Dall on January 13, 2008
Modified on January 14, 2008