News archive - Public Consultation on Community Innovation Policy

A new public consultation on the Community Innovation Policy seeks to  explore new ways to address challenges for a better European innovation policy. To this purpose, a list of questions has been prepared. All interested stakeholders are invited to submit comments by Monday 16 November 2009 to

ogether with a series of more detailed Commission staff working papers, it serves as an input to the preparation of a new European innovation plan, as called for by the European Council.

The objective is to put in place new ambitious policies to foster innovation in Europe. The new policy will be presented in the context of the forthcoming post-2010 Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs, taking into account the global economic crisis.

Source and further information:  European Commission.


Geographical focus
  • Europe
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Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on October 6, 2009
Modified on October 6, 2009