News archive - COST Training School in Belgrade (Neuroimaging)

COST projects offer a great opportunity to create, enhance, enforce networks with researchers in the European Union. In the Western Balkan countries, researchers can use the funds offered to exchange knowledge with peers from around the world.
The Faculty of Biology at the University of Belgrade invites to a COST-ESF/IBRO training school on "Neuroimaging and Complementary Techniques" which will take place in Belgrade, June 29-July 6, 2008.

This workshop will offer knowledge of advanced applications of magnetic resonance imaging, confocal microscopy and electrophysiology in neurosciences for graduate and postdoctoral students (20-30). The aim is also to allow for the flow of experiences and ideas between students and the faculty.

The training involves faculty from Mayo Clinic USA, Eastern Illinois University USA, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology Warsaw, Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa, Department of Neuroscience University of Turin, Yale Univ. Sch. Med USA,
together with the researchers from the University of Belgrade.

COST Action B30 “NEREPLAS” is one of the sponsors. Further sponsors are the International Brain Research Organization, Biophysical Society of Serbia, Society of Neurosciences of Serbia.

Deadlines for applications and fellowship appeal is June 9, 2008 (send name, affiliation, supervisor recommendation; CV, poster abstract (1 A4 page; facultative) all to the e-mail address below).

Registration fee (paid at the School): 200 € (will be waved for awarded students.

Further information:

web links:

Pavle Andjus, Center for Laser Microscopy - Faculty of Biology, Belgrade

Entry created by Elke Dall on May 9, 2008
Modified on May 9, 2008