News archive - JRC job openings and activities for Enlargement countries

JRC institutes location on the map of Europe

The Joint Research Centres of the European Commission have published six vacant positions for non EU Member States including the Western Balkans: Albania, BiH, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. Deadline for online applications is March 15, 2012.

The JRC has published six vacant positions - 5 Grantholder and 1 Seconded National Expert position - for researchers and scientific experts from the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Israel, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey. Applications will be accepted from experts from research organisations, public administration bodies, national enforcement laboratories and scientists.

The openings are part of the JRC's Enlargement and Integration Action (E&IA), which aims to give scientific and technical support to countries on the road towards EU membership, New Member States and Associated Countries, in order to support the transfer of the EU legal framework to national legislations and to facilitate scientific and technical exchange.

The JRC has also proposed 32 activities including specialised workshops, advanced training courses and small projects within its areas of competence. The workshops are set up to allow competent organisations to study the scientific and technical methods and techniques underpinning EU policy implementation. The activities are targeted at new Member States, Candidate Countries, Potential Candidate Countries, FP7 Associated Countries, and - on an ad-hoc basis - European Neighbourhood Policy Countries and Russia The activities also provide an opportunity for EU organisations to learn about the methods currently used in those countries and for both parties to discuss how the EU legislation should be implemented in the future.

The deadline for online application for the Grantholder vacancies is 15 March 2012.

Both types of vacancies are only open for applicants from the 12 target countries specified on the main E&IA pages.

published 23/01/12


Geographical focus
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Elke Dall on March 5, 2012
Modified on April 17, 2012