News archive - New One-Stop Information Service on FP7-Transport on CORDIS

The new FP7-Transport (including Aeronautics) service has now been launched by CORDIS, the Community Research and Development Information Service. With just one click, visitors to the new web pages now have extensive information on all things related to the 'Transport' theme of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) at their fingertips...

Entering the service, visitors are informed about the latest developments, news and events in this specific thematic area of FP7 as well as its objective, funding strategy and budget. More information about FP7-Transport is also given under 'About Transport' on the left-hand navigation menu with separate sections about 'Aeronautics and Air', 'Road research', 'Rail research', 'Waterborne' and 'Multimodal transport'.

Importantly, the service also provides direct links to open calls published under FP7-Transport and the CORDIS 'Find a project' database, introducing the variety of projects currently receiving EU funding for transport research. Last but not least, useful links to the European Commission's Directorate Generals for Research and Transport, transport and research policy initiatives, transport organisations and industry complete the service.

The CORDIS FP7-Transport (including Aeronautics) service is available at:


SourceCORDIS News, 29.02.2009.

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on May 9, 2009
Modified on May 13, 2009