News archive - Update: Event: Marie Curie Workshop Celebrating Nikola Tesla

The Serbian and Croatian governments initiated a joint event to commemorate Nikola Tesla. Workshops held under the auspicies of the European Commission was organised in Zagreb and Belgrade from October 7-11, 2006.

Commissioner Potocnik was present at the successful events, his speech is summarised in a CORDIS article.

2006 marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), one of the world's great inventors in the fields of physics, electricity, magnetism and mechanical engineering. His patents and theoretical works form the basis of modern alternating current (AC) electric power systems, including the polyphase power distribution systems and the asynchronous motor, marking the dawn of the Second Industrial Revolution. This anniversary is of special national importance in Serbia and in Croatia: Nikola Tesla was an ethnic Serb born in Croatia. The Serbian and Croatian governments therefore initiated a joint event to commemorate Nikola Tesla. Workshops held under the auspicies of the European Commission has been organised in Zagreb and Belgrade from October 7-11, 2006. Commissioner Janez Potočnik took part in both venues, giving his support to this joint events.


Article published in eJournal summer 06.
(News provided by Ivan Videnovic, Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection.)
and updated in October 06.

Further links:
The detailed plan and programme can be found at and


Update: Event report (modified from CORDIS article and Mission Report):

The European Commissioner for Science and Research Janez Potocnik highlighted some of the ways in which the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) will increase the career opportunities and mobility of researchers in Europe and retain the best brains:

  • €4.7 billion will be available in the 'People' programme in FP7 enabling tens of thousands of researchers to benefit from fellowships for research training
  • FP7 will aim to build on efforts undertaken in the Marie Curie Actions to link academia and industry and increase industry participation

On mobility, the Commissioner said that he was aware of the visa problems encountered by researchers from non EU countries. Although this remains the responsibility of individual EU Member States, Mr Potocnik said that he would continue to call for a rapid introduction of measures in line with the 'Researchers' visa' Directive, which foresees the creation of fast track procedures to facilitate the free movement throughout Europe of third country researchers.

80 registred fellows took part in the events, which were designed as multidisciplinary events covering Tesla's fields (engineering, physics, mathematics, and information science). The local host were the Croatian Academy of Engineering and the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
The Commission also considered it as a political success that the workshops actually took place and run smoothly despite some challenges during the preparation. The workshop is regarded as a success which should be used to develop further joint activities.

The complete cordis article can be found at
Mission Report by Tania Friederichs, European Commission.

Entry created by Elke Dall on October 11, 2006
Modified on August 18, 2006