News archive - IS NEWS (Issue No. 6): IS News: Information Society Policy Research Unit Newsletter‏

JRC-IPTS has published the 6th issue of a half-yearly newsletter (January 2012). An overview on content is provided below. 

This includes synopses and links to JRC-IPTS's most recent research work and publications:

  • Main findings from the Eurobarometer Survey on "Attitudes on Data Protection and Electronic Identity in the EU";
  • Launch of the Digital Economy Research Programme;
  • Governance: 
    • i) A report on the 6th Ministerial eGovernment Conference, "Borderless eGovernment Services for Europeans" and 
    • ii)  launch of the new CROSSOVER project;
  • Report from the International Conference "Global ICT industry: changing landscape? - The future of European ICT R&D" organised by JRC-IPTS;
  • Section dedicated to our work on ICT for learning and skilling;
  • Section with updates on our ICT for Inclusion and Cultural Diversity activities.

Download the IS NEWS (Issue No. 6): Information Society Policy Research, European Commission - JRC-IPTS, Seville‏ here:

Previous issues are still available on the newsletter page:

Geographical focus
  • International; Other

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on January 27, 2012
Modified on January 30, 2012