News archive - News from Montenegro

Please find below the news from Montenegro as presented in the last WBC-INCO.NET Journal.

New Minister of Science

Mrs Sanja Vlahovic, doctor in economic sciences, is the new Minister of Science in Montenegro at the newly established Ministry of Science. She has built her career in academic institutions in Montenegro and abroad and teaches leadership and management courses.
Vlahovic is the author of the book “Leadership in Contemporary Organizations” and of a number of scientific papers in the field of leadership. She was the reviewer of the Montenegrin edition of the book “According to kotler” and collaborated with a number of renowned professors at various universities.
Flash news from the Ministry of Science
The Government of Montenegro has adopted two Action Plans in the area of international cooperation: the Action Plan on Mobility of Researchers for 2011–2012 and the Action Plan on the Involvement of Montenegro in the
EUREkA Programme.
The Action Plan on Mobility sets three priorities:
  1. Strenghtening the basis for outgoing mobility by improving the working conditions of mobile researchers in their institutions and planning a national research mobility fellowship programme for the period after 2012.
  2. Enhancing incoming mobility by opening the national programmes to experienced foreign researchers and by facilitating networking of Montenegrin institutions for mobility and training of young researchers.
  3. Strenghtening inter-sectoral mobility by improving the legislative framework, training and promotional activities.
According to the Action Plan on EUREKA, Montenegro will set the conditions for joining the initiative in 2011, while funds for EUREkA projects will be available as from 2012.
During the first three months of 2011, the government has signed bilateral agreements on scientific and technological cooperation with Serbia and Bulgaria, while signing with China is planned for May 2011.
Strategy for the Development of SMEs 2011– 2015
The Strategy for the Development of SMEs 2011–2015, prepared by DDSME, was adopted in January 2011.Thedevelopmentof innovationcapacitiesin the SME sector is included as one of the operational goals. It underlines the importance of coordinated activities among relevant institutions and the SME sector towards achieving the goals and provides an action plan for its realisation. The Ministry of Economy of Montenegro has been preparing the terms of references for the Strategy for Sustainable Economic Development through the introduction of clusters. The preparation of the document is planned to begin by the end of this year.
Productive multimedia signals and systems research
The Ministry of Science of Montenegro finances a research project of the electronics team at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Montenegro, named “Generalisation of time-frequency distribution: application in multimedia systems and hardware realisation” in the period of 2008 to 2011.
The research team collaborates with five international teams of the Polytechnic Institute in Grenoble/France, Harvard University/USA, Lomonosov University in Moscow and Villanova University in Philadelphia/USA. Research cooperation has recently started to boost also with the Technical Faculty of the University of Rijeka, Croatia. During the second year of realisation, the project produced two doctoral theses, nine papers in referent journals and three works presented at international conferences.
The research of Prof. Srdjan Stankovic’s team is directed towards the development of innovative techniques which are close to application in various fields, from biomedicine, radars and telecommunications to the
protection of ownership over digital data. On the basis of research of this team, two patents were obtained in the USA in the field of digital data protection and a new algorithm for compression of video signals was proposed and published in an eminent scientific journal. Significant improvements were also achieved in the field of analysis of radars and radar signals.
During the third research year, cooperation with the team from Rijeka will be enhanced. Cooperation with the French and Russian teams will be developed by involvement of foreign researchers in the national project (a novelty initiated by the Action plan on the Mobility of Researchers). It is of invaluable importance for researchers to have the opportunity to visit each other at least twice a year, with a view to exchange ideas and plan future activities. Thanks to this collaboration, Montenegrin researchers have access to the world’s best laboratories and are trained for the use of novel experimental methods.
Geographical focus
  • Montenegro

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on May 30, 2011
Modified on June 3, 2011