News archive - Croatia joins EU MEDIA 2007 programme

MEDIA is the EU support programme for the European audiovisual industry - so the research component is only marginal. But MEDIA can be used to strengthen the competitiveness of this industry and to train professionals in the field. On March 17, 2008 a Memorandum of Understanding making Croatia the first candidate country to join the MEDIA 2007 programme was signed by Viviane Reding, EU Commissioner for Information Society and Media, and Ambassador Branko Baricevic, Head of the Croatian Mission to the EU. For other countries there is an initiative on international cooperation with third countries ongoing.

The MEDIA 2007 Programme comprises a series of support measures for the European audiovisual industry focusing on:

  • training professionals
  • developing production projects
  • distributing films and audiovisual programmes
  • promoting films and audiovisual programmes
  • supporting film festivals

Croatia is the 32nd country to join the MEDIA programme for the competitiveness of the European audiovisual industry, and the distribution and exhibition of audiovisual works (following the EU27, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland). The total budget for MEDIA 2007 is EUR 755 million for 2007 - 2013.


The European Parliament voted a budget of 2M€ on December 13, 2007 for a preparatory action to strengthen cooperation between audiovisual industries of third countries and European countries.

This Preparatory Action will operate on the basis of reciprocity i.e. mutual benefit for the European audiovisual sector and that of third countries. The actions that are envisaged are:

  • Continuous Training
  • Promotion of cinematographic works
  • Cinema Networks

The Commission intends to publish a call for proposals in the Official Journal by April 2008 with a closing date of late June 2008.

Source: Leonardo Piccinetti and

Entry created by Elke Dall on March 17, 2008
Modified on March 17, 2008