News archive - [Event Announcement] Future Internet Symposium / COIN Final conference / workshop for Enlarged European Union: Enterprise Collaboration and Interoperability in support to ICT EEU Research Organizations

A series of events takes place between November 7 and November 9 in Vienna:

- the Future Internet Symposium FIS2011
- the Final Conference of COIN "Enterprise COllaboration & INteroperability") project
- a dedicated COIN event with a focus on the Enlarged European Union: this event will present objectives and results of the COIN in the Enlarged European Union and collect ICT RTD related ideas, with a view of supporting their transformation in successful project proposal, especially in view of Call 8 (leveraging COIN SP7 Virtual Professional Community and networking).

Everyone interested in touching with hand the latest results of Enterprise Interoperability and Collaboration service adoption and experience in the EEU (with six ICT organization pilots) and also interested in presenting potential idea to be networked with COIN Community for a successful ICT call can subscribe at:

For additional Information

Free Entry

The event is directed to support ICT Research Organizations from the enlarged European Union by:

  • Presenting objectives and results of the COIN in the Enlarged European Union, namely first hand experience and lessons learnt from the pilot and business cases supported;
  • Collecting ICT RTD related ideas, with a view of supporting their transformation in successful project proposal, especially in view of Call 8. Ideas will be preferably dealing with the following subjects:
    • Future Networks
    • Cloud Computing, Internet of Services and Advanced Software Engineering
    • Trustworthy ICT
    • Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE)

The workshop will present also the COIN SP7 Virtual Professional Community whose mechanisms and processes will support ICT Research activity leveraging networking and European funding and synergising research experiences, initiatives and practices in the Enlarged European Union, also to supporting the networking and consortium building phases for the identified ideas.

The workshop is targeting the following categories:

  • Researchers and researcher organizations interested in the Enterprise Interoperability and Collaboration domain, willing to understand the state-of-the-art of the ICT research in this domain and its adoption in EEU contexts;
  • Stakeholders from the Enlarged European Union interested in improving the access of Research organizations to relevant instrument and tools in the ICT arena and in on-going and future research developments in the Enterprise Collaboration and Enterprise Interoperability fields (including industrial associations and SMEs’ stakeholders in general);
  • Policy Makers and EEU Stakeholders interested in initiatives and best practices to facilitate the participation of EEU research organizations in European Research projects;
  • EEU Organizations interested in developing the relationship between the EU and the Enlarged European Union in the area of science and technology (especially in the Enterprise Interoperability and Collaboration fields).

The event is located in the same stage as the COIN Final Conference.

The COIN Final conference will be held next 8-9 November in Vienna @Future Internet Symposium 2011

The objectives of the COIN Final conference are to share and disseminate the novel concepts and approaches developed within the project, to contribute to a wide scientific recognition of them from the IT scientific community and to identify what the specific trends in this research area will be in the coming years. The conference covers both technical and business perspectives for the evolution of enterprise systems and explores the synergy between them.

The FIS 2011 / COIN Final Conference will be structured in two session:

  • Session 1: "Interoperability and Collaboration IT services for Enterprises" – 8 November
  • Session 2: "Interoperability and Collaboration Business Cases for Enterprises" – 9 November

It is targeted at:

  • Researchers and scientists from the Enterprise Interoperability and Collaboration domain, willing to understand and contribute to the evolution of the state‐of‐the‐art of the ICT research in this domain;
  • Future Internet Enterprise Systems (FInES) Cluster members. FInES ( represents the Enterprise Interoperability and Collaboration Research Domain in Europe, and is composed of FP6 and FP7 funded projects, as well as experts and stakeholders from all over Europe, working in the areas of Enterprise Software, Enterprise Interoperability and Collaboration applicable to enterprises.
  • IT industry, willing to collaborate and contribute to implement and further develop COIN EI/EC servicing concepts and novel approach;
  • Stakeholders relevant for Enterprise Interoperability and Collaboration research domain.

See related event entries!


Geographical focus
  • International; Other

Entry created by Elke Dall on October 14, 2011
Modified on October 14, 2011