News archive - [Event Announcement] Conference “European Cooperation Growing Smart”

INTERACT and the Hungarian National Development Agency are addressing "Innovation in and links between European Territorial Cooperation and other funding opportunities" in a conference that will take place on 25-26 May 2011, in Budapest, under the auspices of the Hungarian EU Presidency.

The objective of the conference is to strengthen the thematic profile of European Territorial Cooperation (cross-border, transnational and interregional) towards other stakeholders and to outline possibilities for synergies; to explore how smart growth can be better thematically embedded into the funding context of ETC, in preparation for 2014+ period.

Target groups are:

  • European Territorial Cooperation programmes (cross-border, transnational, interregional), including Managing Authorities, Joint Technical Secretariats and Contact Points.
  • National and regional stakeholders such as Monitoring Committee members and Priority Area Coordinators of the EU Baltic Sea and Danube Region strategies.
  • Representatives of other EU programmes, initiatives (Objective 1 and 2, 7th Framework programme, thematic programmes, international financial institutions, etc.) supporting innovation.
  • Selected beneficiaries of territorial cooperation programmes.

Source and further information:

Draft agenda and Registration: INTERACT


From: 25 May 2011
To: 26 May 2011

Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on May 23, 2011
Modified on May 19, 2011