News archive - Call for proposals for Marie Curie Initial Training Networks

The European Commission's Directorate-General for Research is calling for proposals for Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITNs). The deadline of the current call is 22 December 2009.


In support of training and career development for researchers, the action addresses joint research training networks in the form of either multi- or mono-partner ITNs. Multi-partner ITNs require at least three participants from three different Member States or Associated Countries. Mono-partner ITNs, on the other hand, are composed of just one single participant in a Member State or Associated Country and a network of associated partners.

The indicative budget of this call for proposals amounts to EUR 243.79 million.

The full details of the call are available at:

Source: CORDIS´.





Geographical focus
  • Europe

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on October 7, 2009
Modified on October 7, 2009