News archive - Enterprise Europe Network launched

The EC has recently launched the Enterprise Europe Network, which is an EU-wide support network for enterprises. The network is made up of over 500 contact points engaging 4,000 members of staff and includes all EU countries as well as additional third countries. Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia and FYR of Macedonia have also managed to get a successful bid in the new Enterprise Europe Network, which replaces the old EICC/IRC network.

These contact points are intended to act as a one-stop shop to assist enterprises, particularly SMEs. The network has a set of concrete services: assisting companies in going international; innovation, new products and grasping opportunities in the single market; accessing EU projects and funding; and providing feedback to the EC.

The network is funded out of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (EIP) pillar of the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP). It replaces the network of Euro Info Centre and the Innovation Relay Centres that previously operated throughout Europe. Günter Verheugen, the Commissioner responsible for the network said, 'The new Enterprise Europe Network is a milestone in the Commission's integrated policy for promoting entrepreneurship and growth of enterprises in Europe. I call on all entrepreneurs in the EU and beyond to use it to the best of their needs'.

Further information:
List of the local Enterprise Europe partners in the EU and beyond:
(contacts for all WBC will be added soon)

Entry created by Elke Dall on February 29, 2008
Modified on February 29, 2008