News archive - [Event Announcement] WBC-INCO.NET / SCORE Conference Towards an Information Society for the Balkans

The Conference will address ICT stakeholders such as leading researchers and experts from academia and industry and representatives from Ministries from the Western Balkan countries (WBC), dealing with strengths and weaknesses of ICT research in the Western Balkans. S&T priorities in the field of ICT will be presented and discussed for the WBC. Alternative paths for the integration of the region in the wider European effort will be suggested to achieve the Knowledge Society.
The Conference is co-organised by the two European Projects SCORE and WBC-INCO.NET with the support of the European Commission .

The conference is co-organised by the projects WBC-INCO.NET and SCORE, both consortia contribute to the programme. The following topics will be covered:

  • The Western Balkans and the EU Perspective
  • The EU FP7 ICT Theme and its opportunities for the Region
  • The ICT environment in the Western Balkans: Strengths and weaknesses; Common elements and particularities
  • ICT Research Priorities (as identified by SCORE and WBC-INCO.NET) - Methodological remarks, Common elements and particularities
  • The ICT environment and Research Priorities – major future challenges
  • The next steps: What is needed for regional cooperation and what has been already achieved so far
  • The role of the R&D and higher education sectors
  • The role of the industry
  • The role of the policy makers
  • How Europe could help and how the neighboring countries could contribute  (panel discussion)
  • EU Framework programme opportunities
  • Recommendations for regional cooperation

Participants will come from research organisations in the Western Balkan countries, international organisations from Austria, Greece, the Netherlands, etc. as well as the European Commission.


Entry created by Elke Dall on November 20, 2008
Modified on November 20, 2008