News archive - News from Serbia

Please find below the news from Serbia as presented in the last WBC-INCO.NET Journal.

Centre for the Promotion of Science – Architectural Competition

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Science and Technological Development Božidar Đelić called on architects from around the globe to participate in the international architectural competition for the future building of the Centre for the Promotion of Science, which was announced on September 15, 2010. Đelić said that this competition would present an unusual facility that could become one of the landmarks of Belgrade, as well as a venue, where elementary school children and students, their parents and teachers had the opportunity to learn about science and technology. This was the first international architectural competition announced in Serbia after almost 30 years in accordance with the recommendations of UNESCO and in cooperation with the Association of Architects of Serbia, the Belgrade Association of Architects and the International Union of Architects. The building will cover an area of 10,000 square meters, divided into four main units: an interactive exhibition space, a “Science Club” with laboratories and classrooms, a planetarium and a multi-purpose conference hall. The project centre is closely linked with the project of the Petnica Research Centre and the Centre for Natural Science in Svilajnac. The project “Centre for the Promotion of Science” is a part of a programme of investments in scientific infrastructure, which is financed by the European Investment Bank. The value of the project amounts to € 20 million, which represents five percent of the total investment programme. The competition deadline was October 21, 2010. The results will be published on December 17, 2010. The winner’s prize is € 60,000, the second prize winner will receive € 20,000, while the third prize winner will receive € 10,000.

Public Tender for the Position of Director

The Minister of Science and Technological Development Božidar Đeli met with the presidents of the boards of scientific organisations to talk about the conditions of the ongoing public competition for the positions of directors in these institutions. Đelić said that in the following month, a public tender for the positions of directors of more than 40 research institutions in the country would be carried out, and added that the scientific community “seeked” for leaders in science – the most ambitious, most professional and talented people would be selected in a democratic ambience.

Government Declared July 10 the Science Day in Serbia

The day of birth of Nikola Tesla has been declared the Science Day in Serbia. The government made this decision at a meeting on August 26, 2010. The next step was to pass the initiative over to the United Nations to declare it to be an International Science Day.

Serbian-American Scientific Conference in 2011

During a meeting with a delegation of Congressmen of the United States, the Minister for European Integration and Minister of Science and Technological Development Božidar Đelić said that an important step in the improvement
of relations between Serbia and the United States had been made with the signing of a bilateral agreement on scientific and technological cooperation in April 2010. In order to enhance the bilateral relations, the Minister announced a big Serbian-American scientific conference in 2011. This is the third delegation of US officials visiting the country since last year’s visit of US Vice President Joseph Biden. The delegation of the United States comprised of the
Congressmen Dan Burton, Jeff Flejk, Mike Turner and Steve Cohen.

Scientific Cooperation Between Republika Srpska and Serbia

Božidar Đelić and the Minister of Science and Technology of the Republika Srpska Bakir Ajanović signed a Memorandum of Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the two ministries in Banja Luka. The Prime Minister of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik, who attended the ceremony, said that the continued implementation of this Memorandum was in accordance with the policy of the council to implement an agreement on special and parallel relations between Serbia and Republika Srpska, in which it had been agreed that all relevant ministries were to sign Memoranda of cooperation. Đelić said that it was very important for the two ministries to be part of the relations
between the Republika Srpska and Serbia. The future of both republics depended on the ability to retain talented individuals to strengthen the countries’ economic, social, and therefore, political capacity. The cooperation will be pursued through joint scientific research projects, the exchange of researchers, experts and scientific and technological information, joint use of instruments and equipment, scientific conferences and seminars, the establishment of joint scientific research centers and coordinated activities in the field of national and international programmes for science.

Geographical focus
  • Serbia

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on November 11, 2010
Modified on November 11, 2010