News archive - [Event Announcement] First Announcement of WBC-INCO.NET event on TRANSPORT RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES

ETNA, the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Slovenia and University of Maribor - TEC in co-operation with WBC-INCO.NET (Coordination of Research Policies with the Western Balkans) have the pleasure to invite you to a 7th Framework programme Networking and Brokerage event: »SEE –TRANS 2011«, Transport Research Opportunities for South East Europe in the EU, which will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on April 12-13, 2011 in Hotel Lev.

Registration deadline: March 25, 2011.

“SEE - TRANS 2011” is aiming to bring together research community as well as representatives of business and politics from Slovenia,South Eastern European countries and the rest of the EU in order to present their research results (7.FP), their research capabilities and plans,as well as, the future research needs. Based on expressed research interests and aims working groups will focus on specific research topicsin order to get prepared and to form potential partnerships for the next 7.FP calls and to set joint research priorities for the following 8.FP. 

During the networking and brokerage event, participants looking for partners will be given the opportunity to present their organisations and ideas for project proposals in two different ways:

  • In written form using templates specially designed for this purpose (see the documents for download – “Profile Form” and “Partner Search Form”). Ideas for project proposals and profiles of organisations submitted prior to the event will be displayed on pin boards for all participants to read. Parties interested in cooperating will be encouraged to leave behind a business card for the author of the document in question.
  • In the form of a brief oral presentation (using the template with recommendations provided – “Recommendation for Presentations”).

Participation in the networking and brokerage event is FREE. For logistical reasons all participants must register for the event using the Registration form. To register, please fill in the form at and sent it

Please go to the project website for further information such as:

Agenda (draft)


Registration Form

Recommendation for Presentations


Profile Form



Partner Search Form

Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the organisers at

From: 12 April 2011
To: 13 April 2011

Entry created by Elke Dall on March 12, 2012
Modified on May 12, 2012