News archive - [Event Announcement] THE Health Brokerage Event 2009 to Take Place in Prague

A brokerage event for scientists working in the field of health or biotechnology will take place in Prague, Czech Republic on June 4, 2009. The target of the meeting is to initiate cooperation in European research projects in the Health area of FP7.

If you are looking for potential project partners for joint European research projects on Health, THE Health Brokerage Event 2009 invites you to participate free of charge.

The event is jointly organised by the two European initiatives “SMEs go Health” and the “Health-NCP-Net”. It aims at bringing companies, academia and research institutes from European countries together in one place. In pre-arranged face-to-face meetings, participants have the opportunity to discuss possibilities of future cooperations. The basis for the meeting schedule is an online catalogue, where each participating organisation submits in advance its competence profile and its cooperation interest.

Submission deadline: May 20, 2009

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on May 15, 2009
Modified on May 18, 2009