News archive - [Event Announcement] Call information day 'The ocean of tomorrow'

The European Commission is organising an information day on the upcoming call for proposals dubbed 'The ocean of tomorrow' on 16 September in Brussels, Belgium.

Participants will learn about the rationale of the call, its modalities for implementation and the three individual call topics. Experts from the European Commission will address questions about integration and multidisciplinary features. A brokerage session will allow participants to give a short presentation of their project idea and start or join a consortium.

The call for proposals, part of the 'Food, agriculture and fisheries, and biotechnology' theme of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), is scheduled for launch on 30 July 2009.

The Information Day is for everyone interested in taking part in the call. That means researchers, research institutions, companies, industry, SMEs, National Contact Points.
REGISTRATION IS OPEN, but you must register to participate!

Please request a registration form by sending an e-mail to: before 8th September 2009.
Due to the size of the meeting room, registrations will be accepted on a first come-first served basis. But please note that we may have to limit the number of representatives from each organisation, if the event is oversubscribed.

Participants are invited to give flash presentations during the brokerage event. These should relate to a proposal idea, to their specific competence in relation with the call or to their interest in setting up or joining a consortium.
Please note that presentations should last 3 minutes max and should not exceed 5 slides.
Any presentations MUST be sent, in advance, to  by 10th September 2009.

For further information see the attached leaflet.

Source: CORDIS RCN 31028


Entry created by Elke Dall on July 14, 2009
Modified on July 16, 2009