News archive - [Event Announcement] International Conference: "Global ICT industry: changing landscape? - The future of European ICT R&D"

The European Commission's Joint Research Centre - Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS, Information Society Unit) is organising an international conference on the changing global ICT industry landscape and future of ICT R&D in Europe to be held on October 19-20 in Brussels. The conference will bring together industry representatives, ICT R&D and innovation analysts, and policy makers, coming from Europe, the USA and Asia.

Main purposes of the conference:

  •  Identify and debate trends in the changing global ICT and ICT R&D landscape
  • Debate their impact on the EU ICT industry and consequences for research and innovation location and modes
  • Discuss implications for ICT R&D and innovation policies in Europe

In particular, the conference will address the following topics:

  • Characteristics and trends in global redistribution of the ICT industry:
    • The emergence of a radically new internet/media/telecom ecosystem
    • The increasing role and importance of e-services
    • The importance of ICT manufacturing for Europe's growth
  • What are the drivers for these changes, trends and the possible future scenarios?
  • How do the EU ICT sector and EU companies position themselves in this new landscape and prepare for the future?
  • What challenges and opportunities these raise and offer for European ICT R&D and innovation, for the localisation of ICT R&D and for international ICT R&D and innovation collaboration?
  • What are current and future policy options at European level to address those challenges and opportunities?


The conference will start on 19 October afternoon and end on 20 October afternoon. A draft agenda is attached below. This agenda is regularly updated at the conference website.


Registration is compulsory; there is no registration fee. If you are interested in attending the conference, please register on the JRC events registration website.


The Conference itself is part of a long-term project of the IPTS: PREDICT (Prospective Insights on R&D in ICT), which offers evidence-based policy support to the European Commission's Directorate General for Information Society and Media in the definition, implementation and monitoring of its R&D and Innovation policy. In the context of this project, IPTS releases an annual report on "R&D in ICT in The European Union" that documents the private and public expenditures in ICT in Europe and worldwide, and provides additional information on aspects such as companies' R&D expenditures, internationalisation trends or patenting.

Source: JRC

From: 19 October 2011
To: 20 October 2011

Geographical focus
  • International; Other

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on October 6, 2011
Modified on August 25, 2011