News archive - News from LSEE – Research on South Eastern Europe

The London School of Economics and Political Sciences (LSE), European Institute, LSEE – Research on South Eastern Europe publishes a regular newsletter which we would like to share. LSEE was formally established as a research unit within the European Institute, a Jean Monet Centre of Excellence, in September 2009 and is now in its third year of operation. As a significant research unit within the European Institute, LSEE aims to develop the School’s existing expertise on South East Europe and to further promote the study of the region by providing a platform for high quality, independent research and public dialogue.

Please read the issue 1 / 2011 / November of the newsletter.


TOP STORY! This autumn will see the beginning of a significant collaboration between LSEE and the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC). A Memorandum of Understanding for research and policy engagement through the Council’s Social Agenda for the Western Balkans will be formally signed by LSEE Co-Chair Professor Kevin Featherstone in Sarajevo in December.

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FORTHCOMING! Wednesday 23 November: “The Long Road Through Balkan History” – Film screening followed by Q&A and discussion with the producer

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FORTHCOMING! 14-15 December: LSEE Conference on the Social Consequences of the Global Economic Crisis in SEE – Launch Conference of the LSEE Research Network on Social Cohesion

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High Profile Speakers

Since the start of the 2011-2012 academic year, LSEE has hosted a number of high-profile speakers, including policy roundtables with the Foreign Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Finance Minister of Montenegro and a public lecture by the Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia.

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Involvement in the Region

LSEE has also significantly contributed to a number of important international commitments, including the 4th International Black Sea Symposium, the Summer School for Democracy in Belgrade and the Regional Cooperation Council conference on “New Skills for New Jobs in the Western Balkans” at which Dr Will Bartlett delivered a key note paper

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The Eurozone Crisis and Greece

As the Greek and Eurozone crisis dominated the news in the last few weeks, LSEE staff gave a number of interviews in UK and international media, including at Sky News, BBC News 24, BBC World, BBC Radio 4, CNN online, and others (details and links available through our website). Additionally, LSEE staff participated in a number of panel debates, such as one on LSE Perspectives on the Sovereign Debt Crisis and the one on “Governance and the Eurozone Crisis: What to do” UCL, 30 November 2011

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SEE Current Affairs

LSEE Fellows have also given key interviews or commented on important developments in the region, such as the on-going instability in Kosovo and rising tensions between Turkey and Cyprus.

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Kosovo: The Path to Contested Statehood

Dr James Ker-Lindsay, I.B. Tauris

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“Making geographical sense of the Greek austerity measures”

Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis, Cambridge Journal of Regions Economy and Society, (DOI: 10.1093/cjres/rsr026)

A blog entry concerning this paper was published on invitation at the Oxford University Press Blog

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“Small firms as a development factor in South East Europe”

Dr Will Bartlett, Handbook on Doing Business in South East Europe 

"Inflation Triggers in Transition Economies"

LSEE Visiting Fellow Dr Aleksandra Nojkovic with P. Petrovic and Z. Mladenovic, scheduled to appear in September-October 2011 issue of Emerging Markets Finance & Trade 

“The Variable Impact of the Global Economic Crisis in SEE” Dr Will Bartlett and Dr Ivana Prica soon to be published in Economic Annals 


EU Roma Strategy After Lisbon

Dr Will Bartlett and Dr Claire Gordon presented a paper at the UACES Conference in Cambridge.

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Southeastern Europe Journal, Vol. 35:2, 2011, was guest edited Dr Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic

Papers that appeared in this special issue were first presented at the LSEE Conference on Regional Policy and Decentralisation, Zagreb, May 2010. 

Vassilis Monastiriotis Presents Paper in Barcelona on "Regional Growth Dynamics in Central and Eastern Europe" at the 2011 Workshop on “Regional and Urban Economics: Inequality and Regional Growth and Cohesion” (University of Barcelona, 24-25 November). 

Dr Will Bartlett Presents Key Note Papers at three separate European Training Foundation workshops! The first two papers “Skills Anticipation and Matching Systems in Transition and Developing Countries” and “Socio-Economic Developments in the Enlargement countries” were presented on the 24-25 October and 8-9 November respectively. The third paper, “The search for inclusive VET in context: the economic agenda in the Western Balkans and Turkey” is due to be presented at the consultation workshop “VET for social inclusion in the western Balkans and Turkey: Towards Regional Actions”, European Training Foundation, Turin on 12–13 December 

For further information please contact Ivan Kovanović, LSEE Administrator: Email:

LSEE – Research on South Eastern Europe is part of the LSE’s European Institute, a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence  

Source: LSEE newsletter

Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Elke Dall on November 19, 2011
Modified on November 19, 2011