News archive - [Event Announcement] Conference "Food and nutrition in 21st century"

 The Conference “Food and nutrition in 21st century”, which is one of the flagship events organized within the framework of Polish Presidency of the EU Council.

Conference major objectives are:

  • to identify main challenges to the European bio-economy in the light of EU policies, in particular these pertaining to food industry, agriculture, climate change, food safety and security, as well as the impact of a diet on health and well-being of European citizens.
  • to identify major trends in food and nutrition research,
  • to propose recommendations for European research and innovation policy in these areas. 

The 2-day Conference will be organized during 8-9 of September 2011 in Warsaw, Poland. The official language of the Conference will be English. Simultaneous translation to Polish will be provided as well.

Participation in the Conference is free of charge. However, number of participants is  limited and early registration is encouraged. 

Further information and registration: 

Source: Internet  

Geographical focus
  • International; Other

Entry created by Gorazd Weiss on August 11, 2011
Modified on August 11, 2011