News archive - INCO-Wiki Compiles Useful Information on FP7 INCO Projects

The INCO-Wiki compiles relevant information on International Cooperation activities in the 7th Framework Programme of the EU. It has an open philosophy (easy access, free information) and allows interaction and exchange of experience. Content is elaborated collaboratively and everyone may take part. There is unlimited space and limitless possibilities to add information.

The website contains general information on FP7 (with sub-topics such as "practical issues", "policy background" or "support for NCPs") well as News, Links and Events sections. National Contact Points in EU-Member States, Associated States and FP7 Contact Points in third countries are the main target groups.

To see the website and create your own acount, please go to:, as accessed on May 26, 2009.

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on May 26, 2009
Modified on May 26, 2009