News archive - [Event Review] 'Conf-Shop' Planning the future Knowledge Base for Evaluation – conference presentations now available

In the context of the preparation of the future Horizon 2020 programme, and following the completion of the interim evaluation of FP7, the Ex-Post Evaluation Unit in DG Research and Innovation organised a 'Conf-Shop' to take stock of evaluation evidence and to look ahead at future challenges. The event took place in Brussels on September 30, 2011.


The 'Conf-Shop' was not a traditional conference, but a conference and a workshop combining presentations with active involvement from the participants and providing the occasion for a real engagement. In particular, all the participants were invited, through a poster survey, to express their views on the impacts of FP7, and on the challenges for a future evaluation and monitoring system under Horizon 2020. Almost 100 participants from the fields of research evaluation and research management attended the event.

This event addressed three interrelated issues:

  • An overview on recent efforts to assess the longer term impact of the Framework Programme;
  • Reflections from practitioners on the evaluation of FP7;
  • Views from experts and stakeholders on the challenges for an evaluation and monitoring system for the Horizon 2020 Programme.

Further information, a summary note of the main points of the discussion, the outcomes of the poster survey and few pictures of the event are available here.

Source: DG Research and Innovation


Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on October 10, 2011
Modified on October 10, 2011