News archive - 5th International Technology Transfer Days BIOMATERIAL 2009

The "5th International Technology Transfer Days BIOMATERIALS 2009" will be held on 19-20 February, 2009. One of the main objectives of the organising project, "INCOMAT" is to identify where biomedical research could make a significant impact on the quality of life of all European Citizens whereby the main focus is on those of Western Balkan Countries (WBC) and Newly Independent States (NIS).

On the one hand the event, to be held as the Final conference of "INCOMAT", a specific support action financed by the EC, enables participants from Eastern Europe countries to gain access to the EU market, and one the other hand the EU biomaterial scene to identify new unused scientific resources and treasures in the NIS and WBC countries. In this context the most important objective of the "5th International Technology Transfer Days BIOMATERIALS 2009" is to identify the scientific areas where "cutting-edge" developments could provide the supportive technology platform for innovative implants for hard tissue applications.

For this reason the event is focused on the following thematic aspects, whereby each of them will be covered by a keynote lecture:

  • Future of scaffold fabrication for Bone Tissue Engineering
    Prof. W. Bonfield, UK
  • Biomimetic ECM analogue coatings
    Prof. R. Bizios, US
  • Perspectives of advanced In-vitro testing
    Prof. J. Kirkpatrick, D.
  • Consequences for Quality assurance and product certification
    Dr. J. van Loon, NL.

Moreover, a brokerage event will be enclosed in the “5th International Technology Transfer Days BIOMATERIALS 2009”. Based on thematic technology profiles (offers and requests) dealing with the above given fields and summarized in an online catalogue - each participant can choose potential partners to get in contact with them in half-hourly meetings according to pre-planned schedules. Knowing from a meanwhile long-term experience of the International Technology Transfer Days BIOMATERIALS (starting in 1998) this should be the most efficient way to get connected with new successful cooperations between suppliers and users in the fields of bone contact, bone replacement, bone augmentation and bone tissue engineering especially between Europe and WBC as well as NIS!

As in the last 10 years approximately 150 participants from 10 and more countries are expected to participate in the International Technology Transfer Days BIOMATERIALS in February 2009.
Parallel to the event an exhibition and poster session will be organized within the congress centre located in the medieval city of Erfurt.

Further information:

Elke Römhild
Foundation of Technology, Innovation and Research Thuringia (STIFT)
Mainzerhofstrasse 10
99084 Erfurt
Phone: +49 361 7892376

Dr. Klaus Liefeith
Institute for Bioprocessing and Analytical Measurement Techniques e.V.
Thuringian Society of Biomaterials e.V.
Rosenhof, 37308 Heilbad Heiligenstadt
Phone: +49 3606 671 170

Entry created by Carmen Siller on July 22, 2008
Modified on July 22, 2008