News archive - The 2010 Progress Reports: Assessment of S&T in Serbia

Please find below the chapters of the most recent Progress Reports concerning the S&T policies of Serbia.

Overall, Serbia’s preparations in the area of intellectual property law remain moderately advanced. Further efforts are needed in terms of alignment with the acquis. Concerning enforcement, better co-ordination among relevant agencies is required, as well as substantial investment in specialised judicial training.

Good progress was registered in the area of science and research. Serbian research entities have continued to successfully bid for research projects under the 7th EU Research Framework Programme (FP7). Serbia has improved its administrative capacity to implement the FP7 Memorandum of Understanding by appointing additional contact points and observers in the FP7 management committees. Interministerial cooperation has been strengthened in relation to Serbia’s participation in the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP). Negotiations to associate Serbia with the 7th Euratom Research Framework Programme (2007-2011) are ongoing.

In February 2010, Serbia and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) concluded a memorandum of understanding on scientific and technological cooperation which will provide additional research opportunities.

With respect to future integration into the European Research Area (ERA), Serbia adopted a national strategy for scientific and technological development 2010-2015 in February 2010 and has appointed observers in most ERA governance bodies. In March 2010, further legislation was adopted, particularly with respect to issues such as innovation, scientific and research activities and intellectual property rights. This addresses the brain drain and reforms the Serbian Academy of Sciences. In May 2010 a bill was adopted allocating €400 million to fund research at national level over the four coming years. However, both public and private investment in research remains low (less than 0.5% of GDP) and Serbia generally needs to reinforce its national research capacity.

Overall, Serbia is moderately advanced towards meeting European standards in the area of education. However, an overall strategy involving all levels of education, including lifelong learning, remains to be developed. The implementation of the recent reforms should be monitored closely. Further efforts are needed in the field of vocational education and training. Further efforts are needed to facilitate Serbia’s integration into the European Research Area
and to strengthen its national research capacity.

Source: Progress Report Source: Progress Report Serbia.

Geographical focus
  • Serbia

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on November 17, 2010
Modified on November 17, 2010