News archive - Event Announcement: How to write a competitive proposal, Ljubljana

A conference on how to write a competitive proposal and gain funding under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia on February 22, 2007.
The event will provide participants with an overview of FP7, the research priorities, the funding schemes, the legal and financial rules and the key players and information sources. It will also look at how proposals are evaluated, how to find partners and explain in detail how to write the proposal itself.

The event is organised by Slovenian Business and Research Association and Europe House Ljubljana, main speaker is Dr. Sean McCarthy from Hyperion Ireland. The training includes modules on:

  • A Quick Overview of Framework 7
  • Who's Who in Framework 7
  • The Research Priorities in Framework 7
  • The Funding Schemes
  • Legal and Financial Rules in Framework 7
  • How to Find the Best Partners
  • How Proposals are Evaluated
  • How to Write the ‘Potential Impact’ of the Proposal
  • How to Write the ‘Project Implementation'
  • How to Streamline Proposal Writing

For more details and registration, please visit:
Deadline for registration is February 21, 2007
Fee: 290 EUR (+VAT), 69,495.60 SIT (+VAT)

Entry created by Elke Dall on January 23, 2007
Modified on January 24, 2007