News archive - New report from the ERA expert group on international cooperation in S&T available

The latest report of one the seven Expert Groups is now available on the website, which was set up by DG Research of the European Commission in the context of the follow-up to the Green Paper “The European Research Area: New Perspectives” adopted by the Commission on 04 April 2007.
The report deals with the matter of international cooperation in science and technology.

The aim of the Expert Group has been to assist Directorate D in the Green Paper consultation activities related to International S&T Cooperation in view of the design of an overall international cooperation strategy and, in particular, to address Section 3.6 of the ERA Green Paper.

The Group was chaired by Daniele Archibugi and the Rapporteurs were Suma Athreye and Peter Gammeltoft.
The members of the Group were Knut Blind, Ken Guy, Manfred Horvat, Sandra Lavenex, Gergana Noutcheva, Gilles Saint Martin, Sophie Thoyer, Rainer Walz and Ngaire Woods.

The content of the report deals with the following issues:

PART I – the context: why international cooperation is vital for the EU
PART II – The instruments: how the EU advances international cooperation at present
PART III – The prospects: a framework for a more eff ective EU approach

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Entry created by Martina Lindorfer on July 7, 2008
Modified on July 7, 2008