News archive - Reorganisation of DG Research

It has become a tradition that, in combination with the preparation of a new Framework Programme, the Commission's services are also re-organised. This is also the case now. Therefore the organisation chart of the Directorate General for Research changed substantially. In order to be fully prepared for the Seventh Framework Programme, it was already implemented as from October 1, 2006.

Major objective was a better reflection of the new tasks and actions in the framework of the Directorate General's respective responsibilities, which developed over the last years. Keeping this in mind, it becomes evident that research policy at a European level is more than funding research cooperation: the mobility of researchers, the link between research and universities, the stimulation of investment in research (3% action plan) and the European Research Council have all received their proper structure.
There has also been a change in the organisation of the Directorate on International Cooperation (former Directorate N). It has become Directorate D, leading to the question if this is a reflection that international cooperation has become more important and upfront in the organisation of the work of DG Research?! In any event, the international dimension seems to be much more present in FP7 than under FP6. There is room for international participation in all major FP7 programmes. This requires well considered coordination between the International Cooperation Directorate and the other, mainly thematic, directorates. This coordination task will, together with D3, be taken up by Unit D1, which is the Policy Unit responsible for the International Dimension of the Framework Programme. Head of Unit is Alessandro Damiani, who was the EC's scientific counsellor in the EU Delegation in Washington (USA) before assuming his new responsibilities. In this unit, the interest of the Western Balkan countries will continue to be considered by Tania Friederichs as desk officer.
A new unit D2 has been created, which is responsible for analysing and monitoring research policies in the different countries of the world. The purpose of this unit is to build knowledge and provide intelligence for shaping the EU's strategy on international scientific cooperation.
Unit D3 concerns the management of specific international cooperation actions. This unit will be among others responsible for the organisation and management of the specific horizontal international capacities call (e.g. INCO-NET). Head of Unit is Robert Burmanjer, previously Head of Unit at the Policy Unit in the old Directorate N on International Cooperation.
Unit D4 is responsible for administration and finance. They ensure the proper and timely conclusion of the research contracts and payments together with the units responsible for the scientific parts (mainly D3 and to a certain extent D1).
In a nutshell, this is the organisation and re-organisation of DG Research, particularly with some insight into Directorate D (International Cooperation). More information will follow when all persons have been nominated. A new Director and a Head of Unit for D2 are still to be designated. Overall, responsibility for international cooperation lies now with the newly appointed Deputy Director General Daniel Jacob and, of course, the Director General himself, José Manuel Silva Rodríquez, who attaches great importance to the international dimension of FP7 and this opportunity to establish major strategic projects with our international partners.

Organisation chart and details are available via the Link Service /link/429.html.

Article published in eJournal fall 06.

Entry created by Tania Friederichs on November 9, 2006
Modified on November 9, 2006