News archive - Event Announcement: International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education

The 4th International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education "Higher Education: New Challenges and Emerging Roles for Human and Social Development" will take place March 31 - April 2, 2008. A call for papers is open till January 10, 2008 with several thematic lines of interest for contributions from the Western Balkan countries.

The papers can be either of theoretical and academic type, reflecting research results, or rather practical, highlighting experiences and good practices in any of the following thematic lines:

  • Ethics and relevance of scientific knowledge: what knowledge for what society?
  • Knowledge technologies for social transformation
  • Higher education and gender equity
  • Higher education, arts and creativity
  • The role of higher education in peace building and reconciliation processes
  • Higher education for intercultural dialogue and multiculturalism
  • Higher education for sustainable development
  • Higher education and citizenship, participation and democracy

Further information (conference website):

Entry created by Elke Dall on December 17, 2007
Modified on December 19, 2007