News archive - Event Annoucement: Science for the Future, Science for Society. The Parliamentary Perspective

A Conference of representatives of S&T Parliamentary Committees of South-Eastern European Countries is organised on June 27-29, 2007 by UNESCO in Romania.


In today’s world, characterized by intense global competition and rapid technological change, national policy-makers need to have the capacity to understand the challenges and opportunities flowing from the global economy and to devise appropriate policies. South Eastern European (SEE) countries are facing the challenge of catching up with the enlarged EU and the constitution of the European Research Area. Within this context, parliaments face increasing difficulties in addressing and dealing with the growing complexity of science and technology (S&T) and in defining research priorities addresssing both the needes of population and the overall national development goals.


UNESCO is developing a worldwide action to engage government policy-makers, parliaments, scientists, industry, the media and representatives of the civil society in an active dialogue for a better governance of science and technology civil. Previous UNESCO’s initiatives includes the organisation of the International Round table on ‘Science, Technology and Innovation Policy: Parliamentary Perspective’ (Finland, January 2003) and subsequent sub-regional fora of Latin American countries (Argentina, March, 2005), South Asia (India, March 2005), World Science Forum (Hungary, November 2005), Central and South West Asia Forum (Iran, January 2006).

An international Conference and ministerial Round table organized by UNESCO in co-operation with Austrian and Slovenian authorities in Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 27-29, 2006, has emphasized the need for SEE countries to work together towards the recognition of the role of science, technology and innovation for economic growths and socio-economic development. The Final Communiqué underlines that specific measures are necessary with a view to: “continuing or initiating overdue development and enhancement of S&T policy and innovation systems by: improving the overall status of S&T in governmental policy priorities and creating the legislative and institutional framework to foster R&D.


The Conference will bring together representatives of Parliamentary Committees responsible for S&T of SEE countries in order to:

  • explore ways and exchange experience of strengthening the parliament’s role in enhancing the importance of Science, Technology and Innovation in SEE Countries;
  • stimulating and setting-up an Inter-Parliamentary Permanent Forum on Science and Technology in SEE Countries;
  • providing parliamentary S&T Committees with a platform for dialogue with scientists, the media, public and private sectors and civil society.


Representatives of the Committees responsible for Science annd Technology from each SEE Parliament will be invited to participate at the conference and to contribute to the programme. It is hoped that the participating Parliaments will assist UNESCO and BRESCE in identifying speakers on the specific issues from the region.

UNESCO/BRESCE will help each participating Parliament in covering participation costs, towards the local costs, as well as in covering some of the expenses involved in bringing a number of non - SEE Parliaments.


- UNESCO Office in Venice (BRESCE)
- The National Commission of Romania for UNESCO
- The Romanian Ministry of Education and Research – The National Autority for Research.

Further information: Agenda

Entry created by Elke Dall on June 20, 2007
Modified on July 6, 2007