News archive - [Event Announcement] 5th International Congress and Exhibition for South-East Europe on Energy Efficiency (EE) & Renewable Energy Sources (RES)

The events aim at presenting on the SE European market new technology, equipment and services, and attracting the public attention to the practical benefits from renewables and the different means to save energy.

The annual 5th International Congress & Exhibition on Energy Efficiency /EE/ & Renewable Energy Sources /RES/ for South-East Europe is coming in Sofia, Bulgaria on 6-8 April 2009. Again its goal is to encourage investment in energy efficiency and the implementation of renewable energy in the Region.

The Forum presents the European EE & RES knowledge and experience, and is an excellent platform for dialogue and business contacts. It uniquely combines scientific and industrial issues from all perspectives of EE & RES, providing the industry professionals with the latest technologies, strategies and best practices that lower costs and improve reliability.

Europe is now a world leader in sustainable energy projects and improvements, and the Congress will emphasize on the opportunities and common sense practices offered through these developments as well as their application in such a way that the potential for intelligent use of energy is fully exploited. The accelerated EE & RES activity in the Region of SE Europe during the last couple of years combined with the industrial development and the economic growth promise an exciting Congress & Exhibition for manufacturers, experts, researchers, contractors and investors alike.

The EE & RES Congress & Exhibition focus every year on one of the most advanced countries and regions with the purpose to establish a strategic partnership for know-how transfer. Due to the top figure of merits Germany is again the Strategic Partner of the initiative, while following its intensive activities and efforts in the field Austria is the 2009 Country in Focus.

The Forum offers a wide range of interactive features:

• Presentations
• Discussions
• Workshops
• Networking
• Matchmaking session
• Poster session
• International EE & RES Exhibition

Who should attend?

  • EU institutions and representations
  • Public authorities and local administrations
  • Energy agencies
  • Power companies
  • Renewable energy industries
  • Utilities sector
  • Consultancies and legal services
  • Research and academic institutes
  • Project developers
  • Energy Market Advisors
  • Waste management and recycling sector
  • Environmental and energy experts
  • Branch associations
  • Financial institutions and insurance companies
  • Investors
  • Media
  • Industrial consumers

Venue: National Palace of Culture / NDK /, Sofia, Bulgaria



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Entry created by Elke Dall on December 9, 2008
Modified on December 11, 2008