News archive - Event Announcement: The Future of Innovation Policy Knowledge Bases in the ERA
The event is organised by the EU-funded VISION ERA-NET project and is targeted at innovation policy makers and researchers. At the workshop, presentations will examine the current status of different research and knowledge platform initiatives from the policy-making and research community perspective.
These will draw on the work done by VISION ERA-NET partners and the recently launched pilot research programme 'Collaborative and open innovation: future challenges for national innovation policies in the emerging European Research Area'.
Participants will have the opportunity to explore options for developing shared knowledge bases for innovation policy in Europe, and to extend the work of the VISION ERA-NET.
For more information, please visit:
Source: CORDIS RCN: 28326
Publication date: 2007-09-11
Entry created by Elke Dall on September 14, 2007
Modified on September 14, 2007