News archive - Albanian Government invests to improve quality of Albanian universities

On the occasion of a visit of Prime Minister Sali Berisha in Vlora a new building was inaugurated at the Ismail Qemali University.

Mr. Berisha expressed in his speach that the university is expected to enhance further its academic capacities and to be transformed into an important regional center of development.
The premier positively assessed the efforts Vlora University staff has made to set the best and most modern standards that can make it compare to the American and European universities.

The premier considered doubling of the number of students within 3 years a great achievement: Albania used to have 14 students per 1000 inhabitants, but today it has 30 students per 1000 inhabitants.
Investments in the universities have also doubled, said the premier. And he mentioned new buildings, more university teachers and better qualified ones.
This current year the number of students is expected to be 110.000 from 52.000 it used to be. Also 950 vacancies for new university teachers have opened this current year. More vacancies will open.

Describing the universities as hotbeds of intellectual thinking of the nation, the premier ensured full support for their further development.



Entry created by Elke Dall on October 20, 2008
Modified on October 20, 2008