News archive - [Call for Applications] Evaluators in the field of nano-sciences/nano-technologies

The INCO-NET EECA project (a sister project to WBC-INCO.NET with a focus on Eastern Europe and Central Asia) launched a call for Scientific Evaluators from the field of nano-technologies and/or nano-sciences with profound research management and research strategy analysis capabilities to run a benchmarking exercise of research organisations working in the fields of nano-technology and/or nano-sciences in EU, Eastern European and Central Asian Countries. The benchmarking exercise will run from February 2012 until June 2012 latest.

Deadline for applications is January 16, 2012.

If you are interested to apply for such a position, please read carefully the attached Terms of Reference. The basic RECORD methodology, which should be applied under the benchmarking exercise is annexed.

Please send your application until  Monday, 16 January 2012, 17:00 CET (date of entry of the eMail) to Dr. Schuch from ZSI.



Geographical focus
  • International; Other

Entry created by Elke Dall on January 12, 2012
Modified on January 12, 2012